Happy Anniversary!

I can hardly believe it! This blog has now been in existence for an entire year! This is also the third anniversary of the release of Portal 2 (at least in this time zone), another fact which some of you may find scarcely credible.

What a year it's been. Proof finally emerged that the US government was spying on everyone and, well… Rather little has been done about it! Oh well… We also observed the anniversaries of two great television programmes, Animaniacs and Frasier.

In terms of activity on this blog and the building in which it is hosted, the Subatomic Particle Simulator was conceptualised, developed and published in the course of the last year. Also, YouTube saw the upload of three animated histories of Sony Pictures Television (with a fourth coming in the next few days).

All in all, I'm quite satisfied with what has graced this blog in the preceding twelve months, and I hope that the next twelve will be just as fruitful!

P.S. Once again, I was considering naming this post "Happy Explosion Day!", but even one year on, I couldn't be sure whether or not that would be PC, so I'm erring on the side of caution.

On the subject of Portal 2, to clarify the issue from yesterday's post, it seems that the GNU/Linux beta has been around for two months. Once again, I apologise profusely for not observing this earlier on. However, work on Sony Pictures Television History Mark IV has taken precedence anyway, so Aperture Ireland's state probably wouldn't be any different even if I had been aware.

